Hi all, I bought this software to specifically have the ability to email me in real time when files of a certain size were copied up to network storage. I was able to successfully do this using the demo license a few years ago, however now I cannot get this happening. The best I can get through the file & direcory size monitor is an email alert, however it only gives me the location of the top level folder where I set up the monitor, not the exact location of the sub folder where the files were copied to. I have tried adding variables to the email template to show me the sub folder location with no luck. Does anyone know how to do this ?

Thanks, John

asked 01 Oct '13, 22:25

JohnB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi John,

Yes, PA File Sight can alert when a file was edited, read or deleted. You can see the file location and name in the alerts that are sent out. If you look at the screenshots on this page you will see the information that is made available.

PA File Sight


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answered 22 Oct '13, 12:44

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi John,

Are you using the PA Storage Monitor to get notified when a file is copied to your server? You may want to look at PA File Sight.


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answered 02 Oct '13, 13:08

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

Yes, I am using PA Storage Monitor. The directory growth monitor is available in PA storage monitor, it only needs a variable to be able to display the sub folder where the alert was triggered, rather than only displaying the root level folder. See the email message format below, where the variable $Item(1)$ is giving a value of the top level folder where the monitor has been told to scan at, rather than the sub folder that is triggering the alert. Is there a variable, or can you ask the dev's to give me a variable that will display the trigger sub folder, the information must be in your DB.

$Date$ $Time$ Computer: [$Machine$] Monitor: [$MonitorTitle$] Description: $Details$ $NL$


$MonitorMsg$ $TimeInError$



answered 02 Oct '13, 17:30

JohnB's gravatar image

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edited 03 Oct '13, 01:03

Hi Quinn,

Any update on this ?


answered 20 Oct '13, 20:32

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edited 21 Oct '13, 02:00

Hi John,

If you are wanting a product that will email you "in real time when files of a certain size were copied up to network storage" then you need to be using PA File Sight, not PA Storage Monitor. You can download PA File Sight and give it a try for Free for 30-days. We can also work out an exchange for the purchase that you have all ready made. Please contact us at support@poweradmin.com


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answered 21 Oct '13, 12:26

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Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 01 Oct '13, 22:25

Seen: 55,305 times

Last updated: 22 Oct '13, 12:44