what is the best way to monitor whole network with PA? we have multiple firewalls, switches and locations. Can I get traffic and bandwidth usage graphs out of PA or do I have to look in other solutions?

Thanks in advance!

asked 11 Oct '13, 08:49

Skiin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The SNMP monitor is the monitor to use to collect the data you are wanting to report on. Once you have the data you should be able to "Summarize data by" filter in the SNMP Object report to get your hourly transfer rates.

You can use the Bulk Config to copy your configuration form one monitor to several monitor if you need to.

As far a the numeric OID values display please send me some screenshots to show me what you are viewing. support@poweradmin.com


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answered 14 Oct '13, 10:23

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Skiin,

Thanks for the questions. If you just installed PA Server Monitor and need a jump start I'd recommend starting with Smart Config which is a good way to get a lot of servers monitored quickly with the default monitors. Then you can start editing the monitors as you need. Another good place to get started is in our documentation pages, there are a lot of good thing there such as basic functions, monitors, actions, reporting and HowTo operations.

The Smart Config will try to add a bandwidth monitor (SNMP Monitor) to each server when using Smart Config (if it have the correct credentials). You can always add the SNMP Monitor later. For your switches you defiantly want to use the SNMP Monitor to get bandwidth counters.

Here is a link to our main documentation page.


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answered 11 Oct '13, 09:27

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi, and thanks for your reply!

Yes, we've been using smart config for servers, but so far have been measuring only ping and upptime for switches. I was able to get per port traffic calculator to work last week, but was wondering if there are more useful monitors, ie hourly transfer rates? I assume that I have to measure each port separately? Can I copy configurations from monitor to another?

for some reason after the weekend SNMP wizard is displaying only the numeric OID values? More precisely, devices that are monitored via certain satellite have lost symbolic objects.


answered 14 Oct '13, 02:53

Skiin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OK, I'll start collecting data and get to know reporting feature.

OID numeric values issue seemed to fix during our last maintenance window at all but one switch. I can read values from that with copied monitors, but cannot set new ones. I can get symbolic values on display if I tag "...even if not supported". First pic is without tag, and second with it.

http://postimg.org/image/b34ijykb1/ http://postimg.org/image/5d2d4epev/


answered 16 Oct '13, 02:56

Skiin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 11 Oct '13, 08:49

Seen: 20,198 times

Last updated: 16 Oct '13, 02:56