We're in the process of building a new Power Admin Monitor Ultra server running release, and wish to migrate our history and configs from our current implementation running
Once I imported the config from the running server, I was no longer able to login to the PA Monitor console. The error indicated it could be caused by a number of things, but only occurred after the import.

I assume a conversion may be necessary to jump this many releases. Is it necessary to install the same version of the product and then upgrade to the latest release or are there some interim upgrades needed?

asked 13 Dec '13, 16:23

sadisoph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The version 4 license will not work with the version 5 product, you will need to upgrade your license. If you would like to upgrade the cheapest way would be to renew or add 1 years of Support & Maintenance to your license. Please contact us at support@poweradmin.com and we can help you with that.

Here is a link that will help you with steps to move the install to another server. Moving or Copying a Server Monitoring Application to a Different Computer


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answered 13 Dec '13, 17:36

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

We have a license we purchased in Sepember 2013. Are you saying this license is not valid?

(13 Dec '13, 17:49) sadisoph
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Asked: 13 Dec '13, 16:23

Seen: 7,264 times

Last updated: 13 Dec '13, 17:49