I monitor a device with a vb script monitor. The vb script gives back a integer value. How can i generate a ad hoc Report of this value and how can i get a Chart of this value in the System Information Area of the device?

When i want to generate a ad hoc report, select Execute Script/Script Data Vaule, select Chart:Line then in the Source Data field there is no data set to select.

Thank you

asked 30 Jan '14, 05:50

stx's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


To be able to recall data and create reports the data must be stored in the database. Please at the documentation for GetStatID & RecordStat in the VBScript Elements.

Once you are recording the data you will be able to add a chart to you server summary report by using the "Custom Performance Counter" in configure Status Report Charts. More information on charting Configuring Server Reports. You will also be able to create Ad Hoc reports as well.


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answered 30 Jan '14, 09:45

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thank you. Now it works.


answered 31 Jan '14, 07:06

stx's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 30 Jan '14, 05:50

Seen: 7,313 times

Last updated: 31 Jan '14, 07:06