We have PA Server Pro monitoring about 80 servers. We need to provide customers with historical reports on our apps showing uptime over the past year. I can't see how to do that. Advice?

asked 12 Sep '12, 10:09

tad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Tad,

There is a good How To Page that you should look at for this report. HOWTO - Create a Consolidated Uptime Report

You can also look at the Ping Monitor Uptime report. Uptime Reports


answered 12 Sep '12, 10:13

Tori_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 57%

edited 12 Sep '12, 10:13

Is there a way to do summaries by group. For example - Site A has 10 servers in it, Site B has 10 servers. Instead of seeing uptime by server, can I see uptime by Site?


answered 26 May '21, 15:44

paelcolp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

When you are asking about "Site" does that mean a Group within Console?

(27 May '21, 15:00) Quinn ♦♦

Yes, sorry. I have groups set up for all our sites.

(27 May '21, 15:27) paelcolp

Sorry, we don't have a report that would give you that type of data. It's a good idea for a report and I will pass it on to our programmers.

(27 May '21, 15:56) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 12 Sep '12, 10:09

Seen: 7,209 times

Last updated: 27 May '21, 15:56