PA Server Monitor Ultra Current version:

We have a large number of monitored end points organized into groups. I see where the online help shows how to schedule a single end point for a maintenance period, but do not see a way to do it for an entire group at once. Is this possible.

If not, please consider a future enhancement. It could take an hour to click through each individual monitor. Alternately, we would need someone to log in at the beginning of the maintenance window and use the group "Immediate Maintenance" option.

asked 18 Jul '14, 10:29

JAnderson's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Yes, you can use the Bulk Config feature to add a schedule maintenance period to any number of servers or groups. In step one look in the drop down for "Computers: Set Automated Maintenance Schedule".


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answered 18 Jul '14, 12:01

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 18 Jul '14, 10:29

Seen: 4,196 times

Last updated: 18 Jul '14, 12:01