Hi Team,

Is it possible to queue email alerts so they are sent when the email action comes back into schedule?

Is it possible to modify the subject of the email to identify that the email was queued during the out of hours for said email action?


asked 28 Jul '14, 19:18

shaunscott's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Hi Shaun,

Thanks for the idea, we don't have the ability to queue email alerts. The software is geared to send out alerts when the monitor finds the issue. There is another solution that I think will save you and your users a lot of email alerts to read through in the morning.

First, setup the email actions to only notify users during the times that they're at work. Go to All Actions -> Email action -> Schedule, then select the times for when the users should get email alerts.

Second, setup a Scheduled Report that would collect all of the errors during the off times when no alerting is to be done. The report can then be scheduled to run at the same time every day. You have a few options for displaying of the report; in the console, view the report using URL (users can save this URL to their favorites), and or send the report by email to users.


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answered 30 Jul '14, 10:16

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I am now having an issue with the scheduled report. I have set it to run daily at 8 am, but it seems to run randomly through-out the day.

sometimes every 3 times in 5 minutes


(30 Jul '14, 20:27) shaunscott


I'm not sure why you would want to queue email alerts, can you give me a reason this would need to happen?


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answered 29 Jul '14, 08:55

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn,

Thanks for the response.

We have users who do not have access to the web console, and do not want to receive emails during the middle of the night. Hence, we set up a schedule on the email for when they can receive emails, but the monitors run 24-7, the users then need to be notified if there was an issue over night.


(29 Jul '14, 18:06) shaunscott
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Asked: 28 Jul '14, 19:18

Seen: 7,526 times

Last updated: 30 Jul '14, 20:27