Hello, is it possible to change the startpage of the website? When I open the webpage, I always come to the "GroupSummery", but I would like to have the "GroupOverview". Is there any settings to change this? Thank you very much.

asked 18 Aug '14, 05:54

rbreit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi rbreit,

Yes, you can change the default report that is first shown when you select group. Right click on the group you want to change and select "Report & Delivery Settings". In the menu that appears, you can change the report in the "Report to show when this group is selected in the Console" dropdown.


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answered 18 Aug '14, 10:34

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks a lot Quinn, this works.

(19 Aug '14, 04:52) rbreit
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Asked: 18 Aug '14, 05:54

Seen: 3,824 times

Last updated: 19 Aug '14, 04:52