
I have a little bit of a strange one for you. I currently have an issue with the performance counter monitors on every device I am running them against, I get the below error message;

"Unable to monitor counters--counter data not collected. HINT: Is the Remote Registry service running on this and the computer with the counters?"

I can confirm remote registry is running and they were working perfectly fine last night and when I came in this morning the performance monitors And only them ones have stopped working.

Any ideas?

Regards Dan

asked 03 Sep '14, 03:53

Dan_cis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thanks for the log file. The error that you are seeing is a known bug. There is a Windows PDH.ddl that very rarely gets stuck. We have a registry value that you can set that will help keep that from getting in that stuck state.

The registry value that you need to change is called "Perfmon_Mutex2" and the default value is set to 10 (base decimal). You can change this to 1 and then save. You will also need to restart the PA Server Monitor service for the change to take effect.

The location of the registry value...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPowerAdminServerMonitor<br/> 64-bit:


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answered 05 Sep '14, 09:25

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Dan,

We need to know a little more about the error. Would you zip up your service log file and send it to us?


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answered 03 Sep '14, 09:31

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Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 03 Sep '14, 03:53

Seen: 10,663 times

Last updated: 05 Sep '14, 09:25