Doing some side-by-side comparisons with PsExec, and so far not being able to get PAExec to work at all :(

Active directory environment, executing PAExec on a Windows 7 laptop, trying to access a Windows 2008 R2 server. Simple command:

PAExec \\machinename\ cmd.exe

I get "Failed to open remote pipes" as a response after a few seconds, and it just sits and hangs forever. I have to Ctrl-C to get my prompt back, then sometimes it exits with -9, and sometimes fails to clean up and exits with -9. PsExec executes the above command with no issues.

So, I tried specifying the user, in case the 'automatic' use of the local user was somehow different:

PAExec \\machinename\ -u DOMAIN\User.Name -p P@$5w0Rd cmd.exe

Same results. Again, PsExec executes the above command with no issues. What should I look for here?

asked 13 Nov '14, 13:36

Thalgor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Nov '14, 13:40

Hmmm, above had double slashes in front of the machine name and a single behind...and between DOMAIN and User.Name. The forum seems to have filtered them out :)

EDIT: Okay, I got the slashes back in...silly escape sequences!

(13 Nov '14, 13:37) Thalgor

Open inbound port TCP 139 and 445 on



answered 18 Nov '14, 03:43

mwthrane's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Nov '14, 03:43

Nice idea, but not an issue. We don't run firewalls at all in the closed network. Besides, I don't believe PsExec would work, either, if these were blocked.

(18 Nov '14, 08:16) Thalgor

Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I have the exact same problem where psexec works but paexec fails with remote pipes error.


answered 04 Jun '15, 17:18

Shaun's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Would also like to know how to get around this. Most servers I can connect fine using paexec, but for a couple I am getting the remote pipe error while I don't have an issue connecting using psexec.


answered 03 Dec '15, 08:00

zzz9m2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 13 Nov '14, 13:36

Seen: 15,610 times

Last updated: 03 Dec '15, 08:00