Two of my W2012R2 servers give this error in the System Performance Metrics. Removing all counters and adding them manualy resolves the problem.

Any ideas?

asked 12 Feb '15, 03:23

MarcPunte's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

A couple things I would check. Were you applying the counters using a config file? Its possible that the template contains counters that are not valid for your particular server. Perhaps you have counters for a drive that does not exist or a sql instance that is not present. If you did not create the counters with a config file, could anything about the server have changed since they were created? Server renamed, drives removed etc? I would bet that you have a performance counter with an invalid counter path. Next time you encounter this, open perfmon on the server and attempt to create all of the counters that you have in PA. I suspect that you will find one that you cannot add.


answered 13 Feb '15, 15:15

Ash0r's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 12 Feb '15, 03:23

Seen: 6,414 times

Last updated: 13 Feb '15, 15:15

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