I am looking for where the default email alerts are set. I currently get all email alerts for servers I am getting alerts that a service has stopped, that was fine but now I need to expand the group who is getting the alerts. When I expand the server, Monitor Services, and go to configure Actions I do not have a email message under global action list.

Also is there a way I can create a group of servers to send to a specific person and another group send to another person?

Thanks for the help. Ken

asked 13 Feb '15, 08:30

KKiesler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Ken,

On the left side of the console there is a menu called "All Actions", open that section. In the tree you will see under Configured Actions By Type the E-mail Message node, open that node. You will see all of your configured email actions listed here. You can edit any of them or add new ones.

To have a group of servers send email actions to one group of addresses you will need to add that email action to those monitors for those servers. You will need to create those Email Actions prior to adding them to the servers. A good way to make changes to several servers at once would be to use Bulk Config.


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answered 13 Feb '15, 14:42

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 13 Feb '15, 08:30

Seen: 4,564 times

Last updated: 13 Feb '15, 14:42