I would like to use the Net Map view and project onto LED monitor in our office. How I would like it to behave is as follows: 1) All Satellite's appear but servers/devices are hidden unless an error or alert exists 2) If error/alert exists then ONLY the affected server/device emerges from the Satellite that owns the server/device

In short, I don't want a view of everything but rather of all my satellites and only the current alerts for servers contained within them. The net map view is my preferred view but with all the servers visually present the view is too busy and not easy to work from. I am aware that there exists a Current Error page. I am just asking if it is possible to take the logic from the current errors page and apply it to the net map?

asked 19 Jun '15, 18:29

skahlam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Skahlam,

This sounds like a great for the Network Map report. I'm sorry but the functionality is not there right now for you. I have passed the idea on to our programmers to be reviewed and if it has enough demand for these features to be added to the TO-Do List at a later date.


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answered 22 Jun '15, 14:29

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Would you have an API/web service that we could talk to? Perhaps we could configure the functionality ourselves.

(24 Jun '15, 19:14) skahlam

Here is a link to the API services that we have. http://www.poweradmin.com/help/sm_5_7/config_api.aspx

(25 Jun '15, 10:25) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 19 Jun '15, 18:29

Seen: 4,452 times

Last updated: 25 Jun '15, 10:25