I have set up Acknowledge via email reply. What I would like to do is configure the process in such a way that an acknowledged alert is automatically resolved. Is this possible?

asked 17 Jul '15, 17:56

skahlam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi skahlam,

There is no automatic acknowledge built into the product.

Can you tell me why you would want to acknowledge an alert when you have set the monitor to fire an alert on some event?


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answered 20 Jul '15, 09:20

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I have set up Power Templates for each client or group. This causes all systems within the group to inherit the monitor template settings. But... what if there is a system within this group that I need to for example "exclude" a service from being checked. I would like to be able to customize a system's monitor but keep it included in the inheritance. IE> continue to inherit everything but only exclude this item.

(20 Jul '15, 14:01) skahlam
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Asked: 17 Jul '15, 17:56

Seen: 3,744 times

Last updated: 20 Jul '15, 14:01