I have just configured monitoring for an SBS server and am getting the error: Inventory Collector - Default Probe methods: WMI, System Details program Failed to retrieve system details via the System Details probe: Script took too long - timed out [from service] / Script took too long - timed out [from target]

The Satellite server is fine, the rest of the monitors for the SBS server are fine. How do I troubleshoot this issue as the error message is not very helpful.

I am running the beta version of PA Server Monitor Ultra 5.99

asked 21 Aug '15, 12:14

skahlam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


There is a fix in the beta version on the website. Please install the latest version. PA Server Monitor 6 Beta


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answered 21 Aug '15, 13:57

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

I have downloaded and upgraded to latest version and the same behavior exists. No change.

(21 Aug '15, 16:25) skahlam

Would you please run the service is Debug mode and then run that Inventory. Once the monitor has run please zip up and send the PASystemDetails_Log.txt log file to support@poweradmin.com so that we can review it.

(24 Aug '15, 08:53) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 21 Aug '15, 12:14

Seen: 6,576 times

Last updated: 24 Aug '15, 08:53