The time on the transactions that are entered into my SQL DB from PA File Sight are incorrect, the time is off by approximately 1 hour. The time on the computer that is hosting the SQL is correct. How can I correct the time?

asked 18 Nov '15, 12:24

Bill's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the question. The PA File Sight service collects the time from the server that it is monitoring using UTC time and then records that time in the database. If you are an hour off I would suggest that you check the time on the server that is being monitored. Another thing to check is are there any time zones changes based on where your servers are at.


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answered 18 Nov '15, 14:53

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%


The database stores timestamps in UTC as that's considered a best practice (storing local times causes trouble when a daylight savings change happens). If you are running reports from the SQL database you will need to adjust for the difference in time.


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answered 18 Nov '15, 17:30

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 18 Nov '15, 12:24

Seen: 4,214 times

Last updated: 18 Nov '15, 17:30