Dear Sir,

 There are error messages in Service Log

================================================================================================== TID:03920, PID:02860, ERROR: #### sqlite_step failed with 19 (constraint failed) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT INTO Statistic (OwnerType, ItemName, StatName, OwningComputer) VALUES (8, 'WEB2.MYZION.NET', 'PingTime', 'HOST');; end;] TID:03920, PID:02860, ERROR: begin immediate;INSERT INTO Statistic (OwnerType, ItemName, StatName, OwningComputer) VALUES (8, 'WEB2.MYZION.NET', 'PingTime', 'HOST');; end; TID:03920, PID:02860, ERROR: SQL_PRIMARY = C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorDatabasesPingResponse.db TID:03920, PID:02860, ERROR: #### sqlite_exec failed with 19 (Statistic.CompID may not be NULL) for SQL=[begin immediate;INSERT INTO Statistic (OwnerType, ItemName, StatName, OwningComputer) VALUES (8, 'WEB2.MYZION.NET', 'PingTime', 'HOST');; end;]. Will re-open


Could you tell me how to fix the errors ?

asked 23 Oct '12, 10:37

shelleyen02's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

"Statistic.CompID may not be NULL" seems to indicate the database version and the software version aren't a match since that CompID field became a required field a while back.

Easy fixes:

  • Install a newer version of PA Server Monitor


  • If you don't need the ping history, stop the service and delete C:\Program Files (x86)\PA Server Monitor\Databases\PingResponse.db. It will be re-created when you start the service back up.

answered 23 Oct '12, 17:14

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 23 Oct '12, 10:37

Seen: 7,534 times

Last updated: 23 Oct '12, 17:14

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