We have 2 applications from different vendors that depend on 1 service to be running to work together. The applications crash regularly and restarting the service fixes the problem. The service never shows stopped so monitor triggers don't work. The vendors won't talk to each other (IMHO crappy software). Can I set up PAMonitor to restart a service on a schedule? (once an hour) Thanks.

asked 30 Jun '16, 10:26

wrhsts's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi wrhsts,

Yes, you could setup a monitor and action to do what you are asking.

First, setup and Start Service Action that will restart the service you want to restart.

Second, add an Execute Script Monitor to the server where the service is running. Edit the script to always fire the alert when it runs. For VBScript it would be "FireActions = true" (follow the link above to view different languages). Then edit the schedule run time to run every hour, and then attach the action that will restart your service.

That should do it.


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answered 30 Jun '16, 11:43

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 30 Jun '16, 10:26

Seen: 73,178 times

Last updated: 30 Jun '16, 11:43