I've been experiencing an annoyance wherein for no good reason I can find the snmp daemon on the host quietly shuts down. The syslog shows the below event, but I have not found any relevant unfixed bug reports on the net-snmp development forums so I have a hunch it relates to how PA interacts with it. Any insights?

Dec 10 21:18:39 glpi-dev snmpd[1250]: Connection from UDP: []:56085->[]:161 Dec 10 21:18:39 glpi-dev snmpd[1250]: netsnmp_assert (((void *)0) != tblreq_info) && (tblreq_info->colnum <= tad->tblreg_info->max_column) failed helpers/table_container.c:606 _data_lookup() Dec 10 21:18:39 glpi-dev kernel: [122238.720647] snmpd[1250]: segfault at 410 ip 00007faded241a6e sp 00007ffe42e56ee0 error 4 in libnetsnmpagent.so.30.0.3[7faded226000+66000]

asked 15 Dec '16, 12:40

chaoservices's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi chaoservices,

We haven't heard of any issues like this with PA Server Monitor. Do you have anything pointing to the service as a cause to stopping the SNMP service? Have you seen any errors reported in the console or in the log files?


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answered 15 Dec '16, 16:24

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

PA doesn't show anything telling it it's logs. Nothing in fact until 10:22 when it complained:

12-15-2016, 10:22:07.127, TID:03868, PID:03036, ERROR: Can not attach to SNMP agent on Error=noError. Timeout=15, Ret=301,

(15 Dec '16, 18:57) chaoservices

The log entry that you listed is our service trying to make a connection to request data from the remote SNMP agent. What this shows is that the SNMPd is not available at that time.

Our service is just like other services that are trying to make connections to request data from the SNMPd. It's very doubtful that PASM service is the cause for the SNMPd shutting.

(16 Dec '16, 10:30) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 15 Dec '16, 12:40

Seen: 4,979 times

Last updated: 16 Dec '16, 10:30