Hi there, We have an IIS server that hosts many websites, each with their own unique domain. This webserver has multiple public IPs as well as many internal IPs. We already have this server configured to be monitored (disk usage, CPU usage etc). I need to monitor that the web sites are working as expected, but when I add a web monitor for them PA Power Admin is saying that I need to configure a new server as that server is not currently being monitored. It is being monitored but I suspect PA doesn't recognise that the domain on the URL is sitting on an existing server.

How do I add a monitor for these domains without needing to add (and hence pay for) a new server in PA?

Thanks, Allistar.

asked 05 Jan '17, 18:43

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accept rate: 66%


answered 05 Jan '17, 20:06

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accept rate: 66%

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Asked: 05 Jan '17, 18:43

Seen: 3,406 times

Last updated: 05 Jan '17, 20:06