I've been trolling through the FAQs and Documentation but I can't see anywhere that indicates whether or not you can upgrade Server Monitor 6.4 to 7 in place and whether or not the satellites are backwards compatible? Is it the same as a regular patch upgrade in that I can upgrade the Central and push out the update to the Satellites or do I need to do a clean install and reload my configuration, or am I just missing a painfully obvious FAQ or Doc somewhere? :)

asked 06 Jun '17, 15:02

gsleigh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Gsliegh,

You can run the installer in place and your configuration and data will be saved. Once you have the central service upgraded to version 7 the service will ask if you want your satellites upgraded. Upgrades are free is your support is current.


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answered 06 Jun '17, 16:58

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks, upgrade completed without issue. Very painless process. I was just being paranoid. :)


answered 14 Jun '17, 08:37

gsleigh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 06 Jun '17, 15:02

Seen: 7,400 times

Last updated: 14 Jun '17, 08:37