We used an earlier version of Monitor and I was able to customize the email message that was sent to our cell phones as a text message and get rid of the "powered by..." message. Now with I don't seem to be able to do it. It's really annoying because: 1) I know who generated the alarm 2) It makes all of my text alerts go to 2 messages.

does anyone know how to fix this?

asked 30 Nov '12, 13:53

geekdad's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That link should only be there with the Free version of the software. The Lite, Pro and Ultra versions don't do that. If you need a free Lite license, you can get it via this offer: Lite for Free!


answered 30 Nov '12, 16:19

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 30 Nov '12, 13:53

Seen: 8,571 times

Last updated: 30 Nov '12, 16:19