We are intermittently (2-4 times a day) getting this error:

Description: Failed to get the free space from ESX://ServerName/Volume. The OS reports: Timed out waiting for a response from VMWare server.

It will retry in 5 minutes and work successfully, we get it mainly on our ESX host but occasionally on windows servers as well. Is it possibly to increase the timeout, I'm sure if we wouldn't need to increase it much to prevent this error and still keep the alerts when there is an issue?

asked 14 Dec '17, 09:56

AdamRollings's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi AdamRollings,

It sounds like you are getting some hiccups from the network or maybe your ESX server. Because the monitor works on the next time it runs you may want to make some changes to the Alert Suppression setting for the monitor.


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answered 14 Dec '17, 11:52

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks Quinn

Our Starage monitor is running on a VM that is on the ESX server so it won't be network related. If I change the Alert Suppression and there is an actual storage usage alert following one of these would it be suppressed? On the volume this monitor is trying to check low disk space causes major system outages so we need all alerts. I was hoping we could increase the timeout so minor hiccoughs in connection don't fire alerts but we'd rather have too many alerts than miss ones we need.


(14 Dec '17, 12:02) AdamRollings

Alert suppression is just that, if the monitor goes into alert no notification are sent until the suppression rule is meet. You could make the monitor run frequently after the monitor goes into alert state until either the Alert suppression is meet or the monitor goes back to the Okay Status. In Advanced Options you can also go to 'In Alert' Schedule and change the monitor run time to every minutes or some other value until the status is changed.


(14 Dec '17, 13:52) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 14 Dec '17, 09:56

Seen: 3,858 times

Last updated: 14 Dec '17, 13:52