
I have been receiving several alerts with the following message: System Error Detected: Database error

sqlite_step failed with 8 (attempt to write a readonly database ExtErr=8) for SQL=[begin immediate;UPDATE SatelliteRegistration SET LastContact=1516847825 WHERE SatelliteID='1c682f1a-845a-4352-8e95-8743f72f5181';

UPDATE SatelliteRegistration SET LastContact=1516847825 WHERE SatelliteID='1dd300e0-c8db-4372-85f9-c66bfee3fb54';
UPDATE SatelliteRegistration SET LastContact=1516847825 WHERE SatelliteID='4f48b2c7-cde5-4ac2-9994-611985844af6';
UPDATE SatelliteRegistration SET LastContact=1516847825 WHERE SatelliteID='6b909ba7-be7b-4916-91be-5a16d7cb9db7';
UPDATE SatelliteRegistra[Trimmed]]. Involves: C:Program Files (x86)PA File SightConfigSatelliteRegistration.db

Sent from PA File Sight on IEDC-INF-PMV012
Ver 7.0.3 (Build 242)
Rule: Internal error detected in monitoring service

This System Alert's delivery can be configured in Settings -> System Alerts

The whole configuration was running perfectly until I installed and uninstalled a second configuration on my computer, now it seems that the satellites are not being recorded in the database. I have read in a post in this forum saying that providing the user with writing permissions would resolve the issue. I was wondering if this would apply to my issue?

Thanks & Regards, Michael

asked 25 Jan '18, 06:11

lucas02125's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jan '18, 06:12

Yes, this very much looks like a permissions issue. The account that the monitoring service runs as needs full rights (create/read/write/delete) for:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PA Server Monitor\

Oh, and for PA File Sight and PA Storage Monitor this holds true as well, except the top folders are respectively:

C:\Program Files (x86)\PA File Sight\
C:\Program Files (x86)\PA Storage Monitor\

answered 19 Feb '18, 16:09

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

edited 19 Feb '18, 16:10

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Asked: 25 Jan '18, 06:11

Seen: 9,992 times

Last updated: 19 Feb '18, 16:10