I'd like to run the iphone app and have it connect to my PA Server Monitor. What port needs to be opened on my firewall?

asked 06 Jul '12, 16:20

Mojca's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

PA Server Monitor listen on a configurable port (set in Settings -> HTTP Server Settings) for HTTP/S requests. So you need your iPhone to be able to connect to that port.

Generally it's easiest to have your firewall forward to that same port. Meaning if PA Server Monitor is listening on port 81, open port 81 on your firewall and forward all network traffic to that port to the PA Server Monitor server to port 81.

There is no requirement that the firewall listen on the same port, it just makes things a little easier to keep track of. But in the example above, it would be possible to have the firewall listen on port 700, and forward network traffic to port 81 to the PA Server Monitor server. In that case, the iPhone app (and external Consoles and Satellite for that matter) would then use the hostname/IP address of the firewall and port 700.


answered 06 Jul '12, 16:24

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 06 Jul '12, 16:20

Seen: 8,012 times

Last updated: 06 Jul '12, 16:24