On some of our many Satellites, we are constantly having to restart the PA service on the Satellite machines. We are receiving notification from the PA Server Monitor that the Satellite is down, and was last heard from 45 minutes ago. When we RDP to the Satellite server, the connection test responds as successful, yet the service is showing as not being able to connect. After we stop/start the service, then the service connection is showing as successful. In the PA logs on the Satellite, we see error messages like these, which start around the time indicated by the "45 minutes ago", and continue until we bounce the service:

06-15-2018, 05:31:09.455, TID:06008, PID:19724, ERROR: [curltest: ret=7, 0 bytes][can't contact host 11.222.333.444:83][timeout contacting host - rep=0, real=31837, max=15000 ms][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=2, no proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=3, default proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][all methods failed to connect to https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST]

06-15-2018, 05:32:01.489, TID:06008, PID:19724, ERROR: [curltest: ret=7, 0 bytes][can't contact host 11.222.333.444:83][timeout contacting host - rep=0, real=30133, max=15000 ms][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=2, no proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=3, default proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][all methods failed to connect to https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST]

06-15-2018, 05:32:57.524, TID:06008, PID:19724, ERROR: [curltest: ret=7, 0 bytes][can't contact host 11.222.333.444:83][timeout contacting host - rep=0, real=34103, max=15000 ms][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=2, no proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=3, default proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][all methods failed to connect to https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST]

06-15-2018, 05:33:57.509, TID:06008, PID:19724, ERROR: [curltest: ret=7, 0 bytes][can't contact host 11.222.333.444:83][timeout contacting host - rep=0, real=38073, max=15000 ms][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=2, no proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=3, default proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][all methods failed to connect to https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST]

06-15-2018, 05:34:53.494, TID:06008, PID:19724, ERROR: [curltest: ret=7, 0 bytes][can't contact host 11.222.333.444:83][timeout contacting host - rep=0, real=34088, max=15000 ms][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=2, no proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=3, default proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][all methods failed to connect to https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST]

06-15-2018, 05:35:45.494, TID:02796, PID:19724, ERROR: [curltest: ret=7, 0 bytes][can't contact host 11.222.333.444:83][timeout contacting host - rep=0, real=29368, max=15000 ms][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=2, no proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][WinHttpSendRequest failed for https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST, method=3, default proxy, os=The operation timed out [Err=0x00002EE2 (12002), CurrUser=SYSTEM, Imp={none}]][all methods failed to connect to https://11.222.333.444:83/REQUEST]

Is there a monitor available on the Satellite, which can monitor the logs in the PA Satellite logs directory, and once it sees the "curltest" error, will restart the service?

asked 15 Jun '18, 12:20

danielnjus's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Daniel

Would you please contact us at support@poweradmin.com with this? We'd like to investigate this to see if we can find a root cause, and either fix the root cause, or put some sort of automatic restart in so you don't need to restart the Satellite yourself.

Doug Power Admin Support


answered 20 Jun '18, 11:37

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

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Asked: 15 Jun '18, 12:20

Seen: (+: (DEFAULT: ), 1) times

Last updated: 20 Jun '18, 11:37