PA Server Monitor - Scheduled Report - Report data no longer attached to emails after adding Fail-over (Slave) PA Server

After adding a fail-over PA central monitoring server the CSV file for a scheduled report stopped being attached to emails. The report runs without errors and a valid copy of the report data is created on the primary PA central monitoring server. Manually running the report does not change the result - an email is sent sans attachment. Further, the past reports are still accessible under 'Reports > View Existing Reports' using the PA console. Recreating the report has not corrected the issue. Please advise.

asked 27 Sep '18, 11:10

IamMJ's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi IamMJ,

This is most likely not related to the Master / Slave setup that you just setup. We need to see if there is another issue with the report that you are trying to run and to do that we need to review your log files.

  1. Please re-run your report so that we can get fresh information in the log file.
  2. Open your console and go to Settings -> System Settings
  3. In this menu you will see a button, right bottom, that will FTP your log files to our FTP server. Please click on it. This process may take a few minutes.
  4. I would also like to review your settings for the scheduled report please send screenshots of all of the settings to


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answered 27 Sep '18, 12:46

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 27 Sep '18, 11:10

Seen: 4,084 times

Last updated: 27 Sep '18, 12:46