Hello, when trying to run a report on used space I get this error:

An error has occurred while generating report File Export: Comma Separated Values (CSV) on data set Used Space Percent. The error is: Report is stuck in a loop - breaking out so other reports can run. Error details Instance IDs: SID=488 SID=965 SID=494 SID=968 SID=530 SID=524 SID=527 SID=537 SID=543 SID=608 SID=614 SID=2721 SID=2715

a lot more listed but ends with:

DataSetType: Used Space Percent (Used Space Percent) Params: START_DATE = First day of previous month {D1M1} END_DATE = Last day of previous month {DLM1} zREPORT_ROLLUP_PARAM = Monthly Average zREPORT_SHOW_TRENDLINE = No THRESHOLD_LINE_HINT = Program: C:Program Files (x86)PA Server MonitorServerMonSvc.exe Version: 7.1.1 (Build 54) Windows Platform: 2 6.3.9600 Please check the request and try again, or contact support@poweradmin.com if the error continues.

asked 03 Jan '19, 09:22

jarrox's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Jarrox -

Please contact support - we'll need to look into this further to figure out what is happening. Also, you might want to upgrade to 7.2 or 7.3 (Preview) - I recall a fix going in for a report loop problem recently.


answered 18 Feb '19, 15:31

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 03 Jan '19, 09:22

Seen: (+: (DEFAULT: ), 1) times

Last updated: 18 Feb '19, 15:31