How do I monitor disk utilization in percentage? When I use the Disk Time % from the PhysicalDisk performance counter, the $AlertChart$ has the units in MB and not a percentage. I want to alert when the disk utilization is 95% and the $AlertChart$ has a line corresponding to 95 MB and not 95%.

I would accompany this post with a screenshot but I don't have enough karma ???????

Anyway, help please.

asked 28 Jan '19, 13:32

slickrick's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi slickrick,

What is the Unit setting for your counter? Select the monitor and then select the Disk Time % counter and open it.

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answered 28 Jan '19, 17:39

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

The counter is using the % unit and the conversion is set to "use original value".

EDIT: The counter also reports values above 100%. Is there a way to get a reliable value in the 0-100 % range? Instead of using Disk Time % >= 95% for 1 hour, can I use Idle Time % <= 5% for 1 hour?


answered 28 Jan '19, 19:17

slickrick's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jan '19, 20:15

The operating system is responsible for the value that is returned. So if it allows values above 100% then you will get those.

I'm not sure what would be the best counter to monitor for your needs that would be something that you'll need to research.

In my testing I'm getting the % signs on the charts in the alert messages. If you are still not getting them would you please send me screenshots of your setting for the monitor and the action to

(29 Jan '19, 11:41) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 28 Jan '19, 13:32

Seen: 2,636 times

Last updated: 29 Jan '19, 11:41