
since the last Update to we get on an unfrequently base the following error Messages for random servers:

02 Apr 2019 01:48:11
Computer: [NOTESSRV01]
Monitor: [Ping NOTESSRV01]
Description: NOTESSRV01 does not respond to ping requests within 300 ms. The hostname NOTESSRV01 could not be resolved to IPv4. Winsock Err = 11001, WSA Err = 0 The specified host is unknown. The host name NOTESSRV01 could not be resolved to IPv6. Winsock Err = 11001, WSA Err = 0 The specified host is unknown. Err=0x00002AF9 (11001), CurrUser=administrator, Imp={none}]
Only entered error state (suppresses warnings for 0m 38s before entering error state)
Sent from PA Server Monitor to MONITOR04

The servers are definitfely reachable from any host in the network. We checked on the PA Monitor server during the error time if we can ping the announced server. All were reachable by Hostname.

Regards Cedric

asked 02 Apr '19, 08:36

RotzlerIT's gravatar image

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Hi RotzlerIT,

I recommend setting this value in the registry:


Ping_DoDiagnosticPing = 1

With this set, any time a host fails ping.exe (same one you and I run) will get run to also try to ping the host and it's output will be logged. That will either refute or corroborate what the Ping Monitor is reporting. So far we're seeing the Ping Monitor is correct and detecting some DNS hiccups.

If you see this again please zip up and send the log files so we can review them. To send the files open the Console and go to Settings -> System Settings and click on the FTP logs to Support.


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answered 02 Apr '19, 13:57

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 02 Apr '19, 13:58

Hello Quinn,

i changed the registry entry on the 2nd of April. I also restarted the Server. We received then again a monitoring message on 7th April. Also some more this week and tonight we got also more monitoring messages. I just send the log files via the FTP Button in System Settings. I put this Thread ID in the URL 3188 as request ID.

It started around 1:25 am. Its at line 15835

04-11-2019, 01:25:10.160, TID:03936, PID:01624

Regards Cedric


answered 11 Apr '19, 04:19

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edited 11 Apr '19, 04:31

Hi RotzlerIT,

It looks like this was indeed DNS related.

After you enabled the Ping_DoDiagnosticPing registry value the service would run Window's ping.exe and capture it's output when the Ping Monitor went into error and couldn't get a response. When the Ping Monitor went into alert at 1:25 am the service ran the ping.exe and this is what was returned:

04-11-2019, 01:25:13.207, TID:00304, PID:01624, [TID:03936] Output from ["C:Windowssystem32ping.exe" -n 3 -4 notessrv04]: Ping request could not find host "notessrv04". Check the name and try again.

(The text above was translated from the actual log file language of German to English.)

Between 1:25 and 1:40 am this happened for many different servers (you can search the log for "C:Windowssystem32ping.exe")


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answered 11 Apr '19, 10:10

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi RotzlerIT/Quinn,

I experience the same issue. In the last few months i saw this error message a few time a week, but since upgrading to version 8 (actually i see this error message a few times a day, making it irritating.

I have also set the Ping_DoDiagnosticPing = 1 registry key, and when PA Server Monitor was alerting i was able to reproduce the issue on the command prompt on the specific satelite/monitoring server. i noticed I only could reproduce the issue using ping -4 to a hostname, if I use the ping without -4 or iuse the FQN (fully qualified hostname) resolving works fine, for example :

C:\Users>"C:\Windows\system32\ping.exe" -n 3 -4 server04
Ping request could not find host server04. Please check the name and try again.

C:\Users>"C:\Windows\system32\ping.exe" -n 3 server04

Pinging server04.amsprod1.reeleezee.nl [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

C:\Users>"C:\Windows\system32\ping.exe" -n 3 -4 server04.amsprod1.reeleezee.nl

Pinging server04.amsprod1.reeleezee.nl [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 4ms, Average = 1ms

What I learned until now - This issue only seems to occour on specific target hosts ( in my case 8 different hosts) - this seems occour with the -4 parameter in the ping commandline - I have only seen this on hosts using hostname only (not FQN)

any clue ho to fix this ? is there a easy way to teplace the hostname with the FQN for an existing target?

Kind Regards, Tom


answered 12 Jun '19, 10:38

TomRLZ's gravatar image

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Hi TomRLZ,

There is a registry value that will allow you to change the name of the server/device in your console. If you change the value for "AllowRenameServer" to 1 (DefaultVal = 0) then you will be able to change the name.



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answered 12 Jun '19, 14:00

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quin, I have renamed all targets showing this errors to a FQN (Fully qualified hostname). For the previous 2 hour I have not seen any of these messages so for now it looks like using FQN is a good workaround.

the strange thing that a lot of other targets work fine with just using a hostname.

@Cedric: does using fully qualified hostnames work for you also?

Kind regards, Tom


answered 13 Jun '19, 09:42

TomRLZ's gravatar image

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Having the same problem.. Even when adding devices by IP. Version


answered 27 Jul '19, 16:15

JimR's gravatar image

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Hi Jim, Would you please send details about your issue to support@poweramdin.com? Also, please include a zipped up copy of your service log file.

Thanks Quinn

(29 Jul '19, 11:30) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 02 Apr '19, 08:36

Seen: 15,987 times

Last updated: 29 Jul '19, 11:30

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