As in the title, it's super easy to monitor for file changes and alert if a file arrives in a folder.

But if I have a process that generates a file and drops it into a folder, say every 24 hours, and I want to know if that file doesn't arrive, and something could be broken on that process (and the process is an external one I have no ability to monitor itself) is that possible using the out of the box features - So something like, tell me if nothing happens in this directory for 23 hours.

I can't see anything obvious. But I'm new to PA monitor :)


asked 27 Jun '19, 08:15

yenots's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Yenots,

Thank you for using PA Server Monitor.

If you use the File Age Monitor you can use it to test the age of the files in the directory that you need to monitor. For example you could run the monitor once a day (Schedule) at a time when the file should already be there and have it check to make sure the age is newer then 1 hour, it it's not then alert. This is just one way of running your check on the file.


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answered 27 Jun '19, 09:31

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

OK, thanks Quinn, so would that also work if the directory was empty - say for example the file generated gets processed and moved elsewhere. Meaning most of the time the folder is empty. But I'd want to know if we didn't see one in a certain time period

(27 Jun '19, 10:16) yenots

There is an option in the monitor to alert when no matching files are found.

(27 Jun '19, 11:15) Quinn ♦♦
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Asked: 27 Jun '19, 08:15

Seen: 2,161 times

Last updated: 27 Jun '19, 11:15