When I run a command similar to: paexec.exe \\ -u\Administrator -p Dummy -dfr -c -clist "C:\Temp\MyApp.exe.dependencies.txt" -cnodel -d -w "C:\Temp" "C:\Temp\MyApp.exe"

and C:\Temp\MyApp.exe.dependencies.txt contains more than 64 files I get the following output: PAExec v1.25 - Execute Programs Remotely Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Power Admin LLC www.poweradmin.com/PAExec Connecting to Starting PAExec service on Copying 65 files remotely... PAExec returning exit code -8

If I reduce the number of files in the list to less than 64 the same command works.

Using SysInternals Process Monitor for the PA exec process on the target system shows that the operation "CreateFile" for "C:\Windows\PAExec_Move64.dat" results in "NAME_NOT_FOUND". The previous files of PAExec_MoveNN.dat have been successful. Operating system on the target system is Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 10.0.18363. I was able to reproduce this behavior with completely different set of files.

asked 21 Sep '20, 07:19

Sam13's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Sep '20, 07:23

Hi Sam13,

There are no restrictions for the file count. You may want to the -lo option in the command line to get a log file. You can review the log to see what is happening.


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answered 24 Sep '20, 11:52

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn

I'm aware that there should be no limit on the file count. I observed the described behavior with completely different sets of files. Also on Windows 7 and Windows 10. Using SysInternals Process Monitor on the target machine shows that the 65. file (C:\Windows\PAExec_Move64.dat) cannot be created for whatever reason (Error code NAME_NOT_FOUND).

If I use the -lo option I do not get any new information: Connecting to Starting PAExec service on Copying 65 files remotely...

PAExec returning exit code -8

Maybe you give it a try yourself?


answered 28 Sep '20, 10:31

Sam13's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Sep '20, 10:38

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Asked: 21 Sep '20, 07:19

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Last updated: 28 Sep '20, 10:38