Hello, I've got disk space monitor templates configured and they're working OK but is there a way to exclude a certain drive from monitoring? I want to monitor, say, the C: drive but not the D: drive. The template is monitoring all drives. It will vary by server the drive I want to exclude so I'm not sure how to do this at a template level. Thanks!

asked 28 Jan '21, 09:48

paelcolp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

paelcolp are you using Automatic Config to add your servers/devices to groups that are setup with Power Templates, or are you setting up your own Power Template folders with monitors? Also, do you have an idea of how many drive combinations you may have?

(28 Jan '21, 10:38) Quinn ♦♦

The Disk Space Monitor was designed to be inclusive. With the said you can configure the monitor to watch all drives or select the drives you need to monitor.

So for most of your servers you'll be okay with a monitor that includes all drives. But for the other 20 servers you will need to setup and use a new Disk Monitor that will only monitor certain drives. You may decide to config a monitor for each of those servers separately or you may decide to create a monitor that could be used as a template on a some subset of those 20 servers.


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answered 28 Jan '21, 11:47

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

We're doing the second option with Power Templates folders with monitors. There are quite a lot of drive combinations unfortunately. Some SQL servers could have 10 drives with varying letters, others could just have 1. Most servers we want all drives monitored. I would say there are only maybe 20 where we want to exclude certain drives.


answered 28 Jan '21, 11:14

paelcolp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OK thanks Quinn I'll go that route for the exception servers.


answered 28 Jan '21, 14:06

paelcolp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I think the guidance provided is spot on. For me, I've created dynamic grousp to hold specific types of Servers. For example, all my domain controllers are built the same way, and I have a dynamic group with all DCs and a specific set of monitor templates applied.

I'm currently working on a Catch-All monitor template set that gets applied to all servers, mainly Ping and Inventory, then start building up other templates for other groups: Exchange, Domain Controllers, SQL servers, File Servers, NAS boxes, etc

This way, when I add a new device, it'll automatically get all the required monitors.


answered 17 May '21, 11:39

ashmite's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

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Asked: 28 Jan '21, 09:48

Seen: 3,068 times

Last updated: 17 May '21, 11:39