
I'm trying to save/use a custom e-mail Message for an action but I can't get it to work. I'm using PA Server Monitor v8.3.0.265. I'm going to my All Actions, E-Mail Message, Message... in here I can choose Default Alert Message Template and I have "Copy Selected Template" on my right side. I'm pushing it and then I can write a new name name and edit the texts.. After some change, I press Save Changes and I see that Message in "Selected message template".. I choose that one and then OK.. If I press the Message... button again, it have changed back to the Default Alert Message Template and I cant get the new one to stick.

If I try to do another template, I repeat the procedure and copy the default template, edit it, set a new name, press save, the first "custom" I made now is gone and is replaced with the latest one. And it will still not stick with the action and it has reverted to the default..

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Regards, Staffan

asked 01 Nov '21, 03:31

Staffan's gravatar image

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After you go back in and see that the new template is no longer selected, can you see the new template in the drop down list?


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(01 Nov '21, 13:40) Quinn ♦♦

Hi Quinn,

Yes, I can still see it in the drop down list when I go back and I can choose it again. Still reverts back to default template when checking back though.

Regards, Staffan


answered 02 Nov '21, 02:44

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Asked: 01 Nov '21, 03:31

Seen: 2,025 times

Last updated: 02 Nov '21, 02:44