Hi All,

in our Company we are using PA-Servermonitor and diskspace monitor. If the threshold we have created is reached we get Alertmessages with E-Mails. The standard alertmessage is: \\dbsql\C$ < 180,0 GB (aktuell 150,3 GB) but we need different messages: \\dbsql\C$ there is only XX GB free disk space or \\dbsql\C$ there is only XX% of disk space free.

Can you help me?

asked 26 Feb '13, 04:48

RonaldG's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 26 Feb '13, 09:42

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦

Hi Ronald --

I think you can do this. On the Disk Space monitor (or any monitor for that matter), go to Advanced Options (button on the far right of the monitor) and down to the Custom Message Text tab. I'm 99% sure you can use replacement variables in that message text. See:



answered 26 Feb '13, 09:50

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Hi Doug,

many thanks for your reply. I have tested the most variables they are shown there but i need some more. The first is we want to show the whole disk space in the alert message. Therefore i find no variable.

The next point is that we have set several monitors on one server (up to 6 shares). But the alarm-message for 6 shares is not customizeable. A help may be is to customize the variable $details$. Is it possible to do?

thank you


answered 27 Feb '13, 10:52

RonaldG's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 26 Feb '13, 04:48

Seen: 6,638 times

Last updated: 20 Mar '18, 00:52