I am running msiexec using paexec, and I'm using a non-existent .msi file in order to test a failure case. When using psexec, I get the proper console output from the remote machine to be displayed on the machine running psExec. However from paExec, I don't get the console output.

It seems like the console output may be using wchar_t's, as there is a space in between each character printed out by psExec. PaExec only shows the first character from the console output, so possibly it sees a '0' byte and assumes the end of string (just guessing about this, I didn't check the code!).

The remote machine in this case is running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.

Console output from psExec:

psexec \hpi5-pc -h -u domainuser -p somepsw MSIEXEC.exe /i "C:fakeFolderfake.msi"

PsExec v1.98 - Execute processes remotely Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

T h i s i n s t a l l a t i o n p a c k a g e c o u l d n o t b e o p e n e d . V e r i f y t h a t t h e p a c k a g e e x i s t s a n d t h a t y o u c a n
a c c e s s i t , o r c o n t a c t t h e a p p l i c a t i o n
v e n d o r t o v e r i f y t h a t t h i s i s a v a l i d
W i n d o w s I n s t a l l e r p a c k a g e . MSIEXEC.exe exited on hpi5-pc with error code 1619.

Console output from PaExec:

paexec \hpi5-pc -h -u domainuser -p somepsw MSIEXEC.exe /i "C:fakeFolderfake.msi"

PAExec v1.19 - Execute Programs Remotely Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Power Admin LLC www.poweradmin.com/PAExec

Connecting to hpi5-pc... Starting PAExec service on hpi5-pc...

T MSIEXEC.exe returned 1619

PAExec returning exit code 1619

asked 08 Mar '13, 17:25

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Asked: 08 Mar '13, 17:25

Seen: (+: (DEFAULT: ), 1) times

Last updated: 08 Mar '13, 17:25