I am monitoring three windows servers with Server Monitor Pro Version Two of them are running Windows Server 2008 Standard and one is running Server 2008 Enterprise. The system performance metrics will not run for the Enterprise server. I have the correct permissions (I am pretty sure) and opened the ports in the firewall for the RPC service. If I run performance monitor on the serer that is running server monitor, it works just fine. But still, the system performance metrics will not run in server monitor pro.



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asked 22 Mar '13, 15:28

Radioman-ct's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Let's try removing PA Server Monitor from the picture and see how it looks. Get on the machine where PA Server Monitor is installed, and login using the same account that PASM uses. Run perfmon.msc and try to log on to the other server to view it's counters. If you are unable to do so the permissions is the issues.

Thanks Quinn


answered 03 Apr '13, 11:34

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 22 Mar '13, 15:28

Seen: 5,332 times

Last updated: 03 Apr '13, 11:34