We have PA Server monitor running in our environment, monitoring 43 devices.

Is there a way of making the web page output static so that it doesn't rotate around the different veiws?

asked 03 Apr '13, 04:15

NeilFellows's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Neil,

Yes, you select the base node or the group that your servers are in and then do a right click and select the "Report & Delivery Settings" option. About half way down the menu you will see a check box labeled "Automatically navigate to next report after", if you un-check that box the navigation will stop. Then from the drop-box just above that check-box you can select the report that you want to appear when you select that group or base node.

Thanks Quinn


answered 03 Apr '13, 12:04

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Excellent, thank you!

(03 Apr '13, 12:13) NeilFellows
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Asked: 03 Apr '13, 04:15

Seen: 5,072 times

Last updated: 03 Apr '13, 12:13