
I created a Performance Monitor for a server and the counters in the Performance Monitor are not able to run. The Disk Space, Ping, and Inventory monitors work, but not the Performance monitor. The error reads "Unable to monitor counters--counter data not collected. HINT: Is the Remote Registry service running on this and the computer with the counters?" The Remote Registry service is running on both servers. I logged into the server and opened perfmon.msc and found that the server is monitoring the Performance Monitor counters I set up. (Memory, Network Interface, Paging File, and Processor) When I first set up the Performance Monitor, it worked fine, then a day later I got the error message, it hasn't worked since. I've tried deleting the monitor and re-adding it as well as deleting the server and re-adding that again. I'm using Chromium, services are not locked, and there are no dependencies set. Please help.

Thank you.

asked 06 Jun '13, 15:58

PAuser1's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%


When the monitor runs and it can't get the values for one or more of the counters, it will go into error state. There is a fix for this in the preview version which you can download and install.

PA Server Monitor Release



answered 07 Jun '13, 14:46

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Just to add to what Quinn said, in version 5.1 or so, some changes were made to more robustly re-connect to counters on servers after a network hiccup, or maybe after the target server rebooted. According to customer feedback, this was a good change.

(02 Jul '13, 17:45) Doug ♦♦
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Asked: 06 Jun '13, 15:58

Seen: 11,049 times

Last updated: 02 Jul '13, 17:45