Is there a way to determine the status of an action? I have a monitor with three actions configured to run, the last one being an email to me, and I am not receiving the email, even though PA is detecting the error condition. Is there a way to tell if the prior two actions are firing correctly or not?

asked 07 Jun '13, 13:27

lklubenspies's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


the first thing to check is the Email Action. Go to the All Action and find your email alert and select the test button to make sure that it is working. If that action is working you can go to your service log file and scan for your server that the action is attached to and find where the monitor has ran. When you find the monitor's error you should be able to see if the actions had fired and if not there could be some reason why.



answered 07 Jun '13, 15:01

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 07 Jun '13, 13:27

Seen: 4,391 times

Last updated: 07 Jun '13, 15:01