Can a server list be generated without using HTTP? I would like to develop a way for users to view and select servers to be placed into maintenance mode. The API allows me to view the list in my browser, but that seems to be it. If the output could be written to an XML file, I could access it pro grammatically. Is anyone doing anything like this, or are there any best practices for this?


asked 27 Jun '13, 11:34

lklubenspies's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What you are suggesting has been requested before and is on our To-Do List. I have not been given a date as to when that project will be started or finished.


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answered 28 Jun '13, 17:43

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi -

Here is a list of the API commands that you may find useful. The start maintenance & end maintenacne maybe what you are looking for. External API

Another option would be to install just the console on your local desktop and use it to connect the main service to be able to put servers into and out of maintenance. Remote and Distributed Server Monitoring


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answered 28 Jun '13, 08:54

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

edited 28 Jun '13, 08:57

Yes, I had seen these, and the start maintenance task is what I wanted, but it depends on the user knowing the Computer ID of the server in PASM. To get that, you first need to get a server list and locate the ID assigned to the server(s) you're interested in.

I was hoping to create a self-service website for application admins and/or end users to place their servers in maint mode. The idea is not to have to distribute the console to folks who only need to perform one task.

I was also hoping someone had already developed a way to retrieve the server list and pretty it up into a selectable list, maybe via ASP.NET or WebForms, etc. Having to hand-tweak multiple HTTP commands isn't what I think of when I think of automating something.

Regards, Lou


answered 28 Jun '13, 10:55

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Asked: 27 Jun '13, 11:34

Seen: 9,126 times

Last updated: 28 Jun '13, 17:43