
If your questions and answers are highly voted, your contribution to this Q&A community will be recognized with the variety of badges. Below is the list of available badges and number of times each type of badge has been awarded.

Completed all user profile fields

First flagged post

Voted 300 times

First rollback

First down vote

Deleted own post with score of 3 or higher

 Editor × 121

First edit

First answer was accepted with at least 10 up votes

Asked a question with 10000 views

Question favorited by 25 users

Answer voted up 25 times

Question voted up 25 times

Answer voted up 100 times

Question voted up 100 times

 Guru × 3

Accepted answer and voted up 40 times

Answered a question more than 60 days later with at least 5 votes

Answer voted up 10 times

Question voted up 10 times

Asked a question with 2500 views

First retag

Deleted own post with score of -3 or lower

Asked a question with 1000 views

Left 10 comments

 Scholar × 120

First accepted answer on your own question

Answered your own question with at least 3 up votes

Question favorited by 100 users

Edited 100 entries

 Student × 152

Asked first question with at least one up vote

First up vote

Created a tag used by 50 questions

 Teacher × 55

Answered first question with at least one up vote

Badge levels


Gold badge is the highest award in this community. To obtain it have to show profound knowledge and ability in addition to your active participation.


Obtaining silver badge requires significant patience. If you have received one, that means you have greatly contributed to this community.


If you are an active participant in this community, you will be recognized with this badge.