Is there a way to monitor paged pool usage in PA Monitor, such as if an application pool in IIS on a web server reaches a threshold? We have our app pool recycling set up to recycle when it reaches a certain amount of paged and non-paged memory, but we would like PA to alert us if it monitors that the memory limits are being reached. I see that it can monitor using perfmon counters, not anything specific such as app pool memory usage

asked 19 Nov '13, 18:33

sadtaco's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is a HowTo page on our site for IIS monitoring.


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answered 19 Nov '13, 18:35

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks, but that is not what I am looking for. I am looking for monitoring an application pool's specific paged and non-paged pool usage. The alert below is an actual alert we received earlier, and what I want is to get an alert when the memory usage is at 1.5GB used, before it reaches 1.8GB, where it recycles the app pool. Is this possible?

** A worker process with process id of '4800' serving application pool 'ValantV5Pool' has requested a recycle because it reached its private bytes memory limit.*

(19 Nov '13, 18:46) sadtaco

Yes PA Server Monitor watch counters in the Memory Object. You can drill down to counters like "Pool Nonpaged Bytes", "Pool Nonpaged Allocs", "Pool Paged Allocs", and more.

Performance Counter Monitor


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answered 19 Nov '13, 19:03

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Thanks, just checked again and it still does not allow specifically application pool memory usage. It allows us to monitor the counters, but not by what is using how much memory

(19 Nov '13, 19:33) sadtaco
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Asked: 19 Nov '13, 18:33

Seen: 17,704 times

Last updated: 19 Nov '13, 19:33