Hi there

I bought license for FILE SERVER monitor Sometime I need to restart my windows7. When it restarts, the PA SERVER MONITOR does not start itself! I always have to start it manually.

I already checked out on website, on forum, on settings...not found an autostart function. Come on, is there a way to enable autostart when windows restarts? If my windows restarts itself, Will I have to enable each time the pa server monitor! no good..

asked 13 May '14, 11:00

magicnumber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi ---

The console and the monitoring service are two separate applications. You are correct that you will need to start your console each time it is closed. The service however is set to autostart. If you look in your Task Manager you should see a ServerMonSvc.exe running, this is the service and it should be running all of the time. The console is used to connect to the service to make changes, run reports, view status, etc.


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answered 23 May '14, 11:42

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%


PA Server Monitor runs as a service so you should check Services to see if the service is set to a manual start. If it is you should set it to Automatic.


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answered 13 May '14, 11:04

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

Hi Quinn thanks for your reply

Imho I think the Pa Server Monitor should run automatically, I should not go in "services" and set it to automatic. All other software like antivirus, ccleaner, etc can be set as "autostarting"..

By the way, I checked into "services" and it's already "automatic".

But If I restart windows, the service "Pa server monitor" does not start automatically I always need to run manually the exe and click on to start the monitoring. Any suggest?

ps I cannot post image if my karma is <60??


answered 14 May '14, 05:14

magicnumber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Excuse me Quinn can you please reply to my post?

I didn't solve the issue


answered 20 May '14, 12:13

magicnumber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi ---

You are correct that a service should be set to Automatic Start and PA File Sight by default is set to Automatic Start. Some time users change settings and I wanted you to check the setting to make sure that it was set to Automatic.

The next item to check would be the user account that PA File Sight is running as. Is the service running as Local or is it running under another account that you have assigned to it? If the service is using another account, please check to make sure that that account has Full rights to everything in the PA File Sight directory.


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answered 20 May '14, 13:50

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

hello Quinn

the service is for PA Server Monitor and not File Sight. The service is running as local, using the only account I use. And it's the User Administator. If I only could attach image...I could better explain the issue.

I think you are not understanding the issue. When starting console.exe it appears a window where asked to press OK to start monitoring. How you can ask me if the service is enabled, if (when I restart windows) I have always to run console.exe and manually press OK to start monitoring?!


answered 21 May '14, 06:41

magicnumber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can send your image to support@poweradmin.com


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answered 21 May '14, 11:37

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 13 May '14, 11:00

Seen: 12,280 times

Last updated: 23 May '14, 11:42