Hi, we are currently testing PA Server and have added some Windows servers to the config. Some of these servers show the network adapter's performance graph in the main view whilst other servers do not sow it at all, even though you can see the results of the check in the details window below. How do I get the network adapter's performance graph to show.

Also, these graphs only appear to display the last 24 hours readings. How do I see the graphs of historic data? i.e. graph of drive consumption over time?



asked 05 Mar '13, 05:30

StevenJohns's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Steve --

The bandwidth chart is created via an SNMP monitor watching the bandwidth counters from that server. So make sure SNMP running on the server.

As far as seeing historical data, go to the Reports button at the lower left where you'll be able to run reports for any period of time contained in the database.



answered 06 Mar '13, 15:53

Doug's gravatar image

Doug ♦♦
accept rate: 21%

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Asked: 05 Mar '13, 05:30

Seen: 37,945 times

Last updated: 06 Mar '13, 15:53