Over the weekend PA Monitor started sending frequent alerts for multiple servers. Eventually, the alert messages were garbled (example: サテライト[King Internet]からは1d 19h 2m聞いていない。 12 Aug 2013 08:54:43)

Looking at the PA Monitor windows client, column headings and button text is garbled text also.

Re-starts and reboot did not help.

asked 12 Aug '13, 09:28

rculler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

When you login with the Console, check the bottom of the login dialog. Is English selected for the language?

Then, logon to the central server (RDP if necessary) and start the Console there. Once logged in, go to the Settings dialog. There is a language selection there - is it also set to English?


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answered 21 Aug '13, 16:47

Quinn's gravatar image

Quinn ♦♦
accept rate: 35%

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Asked: 12 Aug '13, 09:28

Seen: 4,462 times

Last updated: 21 Aug '13, 16:47

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