I get the error with the sample powershell scripts provided with PA server monitor
# This is a simple monitor that will fire actions everytime it is called
Code from PASM:<br />
# since FireActions is set to True. You can write any kind of script
# that you would like here. This script is run using your system's
# PowerShell interpretter.
# You can enable or disable this script by right clicking on the script
# in the main Console window (where the list of all monitors are shown).
# Warning: Don't show a user interface from the script (ie don't call
# MsgBox as that will cause the script to freeze when running from within
# the monitoring service).
{removed comments for monitor} <br />
$mon.FireActions = $true
$true <br />
$mon.Details = "Testing Execute Script monitor"
monitor" <br />
$statID = $mon.GetStatID("testStat")
$mon.GetStatID("testStat") <br />
$mon.RecordStat($statID, 10.5)
10.5) <br />
End of Code