PSaexec Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user
I am trying to connect to another server and it is driving me nuts....
If i remote connect onto the server A .. and run paexec it works.. but for some reason i cannot go any farther
cmd.exe /c d:\psfiles\scripts\paexec \\XXXXXXps01 d:\\psfiles\\scripts\\paexec \\\\XXXXXXps01 -s -u XXX\service-XXXadmin XXX\\service-XXXadmin -p PSsvc2! "C:\PROGRAM Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\excel.exe" "\\XXXXXXps01\psfiles\EXCEL\Excel64Work20121 "C:\\PROGRAM Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office14\\excel.exe" "\\\\XXXXXXps01\\psfiles\\EXCEL\\Excel64Work20121 114.1745.xlsm"
I have tried with and with out Userid.. and with out -s and without cmd.exe /c and -w and that did not work it is killing me....
I am using another process to actually submit the process . the service is defined as an administrator on both systems.
This process (Peoplesoft) executes an the PSexec
and I am getting the following log
Connecting to XXXXXXps01...
Failed to connect to \\XXXXXXps01\ADMIN$. \\\\XXXXXXps01\\ADMIN$. Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again. [Err=0x4C3, 1219]
Failed to copy [d:\psfiles\scripts\paexec.exe] to [\\XXXXXXps01\ADMIN$\paexec.exe] [d:\\psfiles\\scripts\paexec.exe] to [\\\\XXXXXXps01\\ADMIN$\\paexec.exe] -- going to try to continue anyway. Access is denied. [Err=0x5, 5]
Starting PAExec service on XXXXXXps01...
Failed to connect to \\XXXXXXps01\IPC$. \\\\XXXXXXps01\\IPC$. Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again. [Err=0x4C3, 1219]
Failed to connect to Service Control Manager on XXXXXXps01.