Bug with PaExec 1.29 ?
I've got an error when I try to start PaExec 1.29 when it is placed in a network folder.
Example :
Z:\paexec.exe \\PC-00428 Z:\\paexec.exe \\\\PC-00428 -u administrateur -p password -i -d -s calc.exe
Connecting to PC-00428...
Failed to copy [Z:\test_paexec.exe] [Z:\\test_paexec.exe] to [\\PC-00428\ADMIN$\PAExec-6648-MYCOMPUTER.exe] [\\\\PC-00428\\ADMIN$\\PAExec-6648-MYCOMPUTER.exe] -- going to try to continue anyway. Le chemin d'accès spécifié est introuvable. [Err=0x3, 3]
Starting PAExec service on PC-00428...
Failed to start service on PC-00428 Le fichier spécifié est introuvable. [Err=0x2, 2]
Failed to stop PAExec service. Le service n'a pas été démarré. [Err=0x426, 1062]
PAExec returning exit code -6
There is no problem with the 1.27 version.
Thanks for your time.