REMOTE EXECUTION OF Remote execution of CMD FAILED FROM failed from WIN10 TO to WIN10
The following simple command executed from a win10 host to an win10 host fails:
D:\>paexec \\ClientName cmd
(it works instead from win10 to win7.
It also works if using PSEXEC instead of PAEXEC from win10 to win10)
This is what I get:
PAExec v1.29 - Execute Programs Remotely
Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Power Admin LLC
Connecting to ClientName...
Failed to impersonate [] - continuing anyway. Handle non valido. [Err=0x6, 6]
Starting PAExec service on ClientName...
Received too little data from ClientName. Pipe terminata. [Err=0x6D, 109]
Failed to stop PAExec service. Servizio non avviato. [Err=0x426, 1062]
PAExec returning exit code -7
any help is welcome and highly appreciated
thank you